Kwiakah Phillips River Watershed Assessment Tool

Kwiakah First Nation

Photo: Kwiakah Nation via Coast Funds

The purpose of this project is to develop a geospatial tool that will be owned and used by the Kwiakah First Nation and new Guardian program to visualize important values, current, and future disturbances, and estimated cumulative effects across key ecosystem types and values. The Kwiakah First Nation is particularly concerned about cumulative effects on key aquatic components in their traditional territory, like salmon, eelgrass, grizzly bear, and stream and estuary habitats. This project focuses on managing the Phillips River watershed and nearshore marine environment within a cumulative effects framework. Noteworthy development pressures include forestry, road development, aquaculture, and nearshore activities. The project aims to create the “Kwiakah Phillips River Watershed Assessment Tool”. This tool visualizes values, disturbances, and estimates cumulative effects, guiding management, permitting, protection, restoration, and monitoring efforts led by the Kwiakah Nation and Guardians.

Watershed Monitoring and Assessment

North Vancouver Island

$ 93,000


North Cariboo Watershed Condition Assessment and Restoration


Kiyawmks Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration